This year I tried something a little new and different. I spent the first 12 days covering my daily warmup routine, then the next 12 days **attempting** to share a 12-move MetCon geared towards paddlers. There was no way for me to finish the metcon in a single showing, so I broke it up as much as possible and tried to get the point across. I think in the future, these will become YouTube videos and the clips can go on Instagram, but I can put together a whole workout routine for you all to follow along with each year. That could be fun 😃
The first 12 days of Fitmas I shared the Crossover Symmetry System
click this instagram link to head over to the first post, and follow along from there!!
The Workouts were:
Day 1. Row
Day 2. Reverse Fly
Day 3. Pull Downs
Day 4. 90/90
Day 5. Scaption
Day 6. Incline Plus
Day 7. Victory
Day 8. Hamstring Curls
Day 9. Psoas March
Day 10. Copenhagen Adduction
Day 11. Frog Pumps
Day 12. Banded X walks or glute walks
THEN the 12 Day of Fitmas Metcon
Start with day 1, then do day 2 and day 1, then day 3, day 2, and day 1... just like you would sing the 12 days of Christmas carol.
If you'd like to see a sad attempt at me trying to explain and do it in the 1 minute instagram time limits, start HERE.
12 crunches 11 hands to elbows 10 burpees 9 kettle bell swings 8 toes to bar 7 pullups 6 dips 5 bent over rows 4 power cleans 3 push press 2 front squats 1 deadlift with really good form!!!
If you enjoyed these workouts, be sure to watch the workouts and the circuits from 2018 HERE! and from 2017 HERE.