It's #SUPtipTuesday!! Today's #Tip is "Don't get bogged down." Some may see this as an applicable tip for #life in general 😂 BUT, it is key when paddling in conditions. I say it today, because the wind is up, and often times when I take a friend or first timer on a #downwind run they are really (#punsfordays... maybe today's tip is "don't get winded") Anywho. They're smoked because they are really hammering when trying to get into the bumps. I remember when I started doing downwind runs: I made the same mistake and people would say "You're trying too hard" as I shot them with my eye-darts. A solid catch and hold is applicable when losing momentum off the back of a missed bump, but when it starts to lift your tail and the nose drops, its not time to take hard powerful strokes... getting bogged down. Its time to have "springy and light" strokes, what many refer to as a "tap-tap" stroke. You can practice this stroke in flat water by doing alactic intervals lasting under 15seconds. The idea is to get chippy strokes at high speeds without building up lactic acid and fatigue. By doing so, you'll start working with mother nature instead of against her... and you will start having more efficient (and therefore more #fun) downwind runs. 😁

. #Tuesday #TuesdayTip #TipTuesday #SUP #StandUpPaddleboard #StandUpPaddleboarding #StandUpPaddle #Paddle #StandUpPaddling #OceanAthlete #Ocean #SaltLife #LiveSalty #PuakeaAdventures #Learn #Watersports #Water #Athlete #Coaching #Lessons #Fit #Fitness
If you liked this TIP, be sure to explore past tips!!
3. SUP-lements
7. Try a Band for engaging your lower body
8. Tape your Paddle
15. Re-Coil a stretched out leash
16. Eat the COOKIE
19. Balance lateral strength
20. Be the FEMBOT
21. T-Spine Rotation
23. Wear sun protection
24. You can do anything
25. Long Slow Paddles
26. Long Slow Paddles, Part 2
27. PLAY (1-legged-turns)
28. Max Heart Rate
29. Pack your Paddles
30. EZ Fin Screw
31. Staggered Stance on Race SUP
32. Don't get Bogged down (the tap-tap stroke)